Why Are Baby Teeth So Important?

Baby teeth start forming way back in the womb. And before you figure it out, they will be erupting through your baby’s gums. The first baby teeth are also known as primary teeth and are extremely important – even if they fall out and are replaced with permanent adult teeth.
To know more about how to care your baby’s teeth, you must meet a validated dentist in Lahore before the child turns one.

Early Childhood Decay

Baby teeth are also prone to cavities similar to adult teeth. It is also observed that several children get affected by tooth decay due to parents’ carelessness, before they even turn five. Without treatment, decay can spread deeper into the tooth – causing pain, infection and even damage to the underlying adult tooth. Eventually, the infected baby tooth cause extreme pain and need to be removed.

Being a parent, you must do utmost efforts to keep those cavities away to avoid an early loss of a tooth and also get an appointment from the best dentist in Lahore. When a baby tooth is lost in earlier years, the adult tooth can creep into the empty space and make it difficult for other permanent teeth to find room when it’s their turn to erupt. Therefore, complete and thorough oral hygiene is important as soon as your baby is born and good oral habits will go a long way. 

Baby Teeth Are Crucial for Speech Development

When your child learns to talk, baby teeth allow him to speak properly and with full confidence. Baby teeth help babies control their tongue movements while they learn to form words and learn the proper pronunciation of syllables. If you do not get this point, observe how a child with missing front teeth speak and only then, you will realize the importance of teeth and how they contribute to their ability to speak.

Complete set of healthy teeth help children establish strong speech patterns at a young age. The same goes for properly aligned teeth as healthy, well-spaced and aligned teeth foster the ability of child to form words and speak clearly. 

Healthy Teeth And Proper Eating

When it comes to health and wellness, baby’s primary teeth play a crucial role. Digestion process starts from the mouth and if eating becomes difficult due to damaged or infected teeth or sore gums – baby’s health gets affected. It further makes it hard for children to bite and chew hard food such as vegetables and fruits that are crunchy and need strong and healthy teeth. They will start eating foods that are soft including junk foods due to which you may have to eliminate several healthy foods from their diet.


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