
Showing posts from August, 2017

Brush Or Floss - What Is More Important?

You must have heard dentists repeating it countless time that brushing and flossing are key steps for maintaining an optimal oral care. The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends everyone to brush teeth twice a day and floss your teeth at least once a day. However, the question remains there: is flossing more important than brushing? Surprisingly, the answer is “yes”. All the dentist in Pakistan agree that flossing plays a more important role in removing plaque and food particles because it reached the spots between your teeth and beneath the gums unlike a brush that cleans the front and back of the teeth. And these hard to reach parts are the ones that promote growth of dangerous bacteria, and failure to remove which can lead to serious issues such as gingivitis. However, for several lazy people, flossing can be too much of a process. Brushing seems to be an easier option. What are The Facts? All the dentists in Pakistan agree that when you do not floss, you a

How To Achieve Optimal Oral Care With Food?

You must have heard that all the dentists near you emphasize on the correct method of tooth brushing and flossing in order to achieve the cleanest mouth. Besides the extreme importance of brushing and flossing, your diet has an impact on oral health. You are aware of the food items that you must abstain if you want to keep your teeth healthy and beautiful, which include sweets, starchy foods and fizzy drinks. In addition, sticky chocolates and candies should also be avoided. However, you must know about the foods that promote good oral health. Incorporating the right food into your diet can strengthen teeth, keep them healthy and heal cavities naturally. Let’s have a look at the foods that are best for your oral health. Coconut Coconut oil pulling is an ancient yet fantastic oral detoxification procedure to remove toxins from your mouth and creating clean and antiseptic oral environment that is needed to prevent cavities and other oral diseases. Even nowadays, majority of

Dental Floss – Difference between Waxed and Non-Waxed Floss

Everyone wants a pretty smile but you cannot hop out of bed with a perfect pearly white smile without proper care and dental visits. Moreover, you may also know that gum disease begins at the gum line and between teeth. Therefore, in addition to brushing, flossing should be an integral part of your oral care routine. Flossing helps clear the food debris and remove the plaque from these areas where a toothbrush does not reach. But with several types of floss options to choose from, it gets difficult to decide what is best for your teeth. Waxed and un-waxed dental floss are two of the most common types available in market. Which Floss is Best? Before debating about any option, most of the dentists in Pakistan suggest that flossing is as important as brushing your teeth. Get your favorite flavor so that you love this activity. Most of the dentists in Pakistan recommend the use of waxed floss instead of un-waxed floss. Waxed floss has a smooth waxed texture that prevents

How Does Desensitizing Toothpaste Work?

Do you also feel sensitivity in teeth while eating hot or cold food? And before fixing an appointment with a dentist near you , mostly you go for desensitizing toothpaste. However, the question arises whether these toothpastes are safe or not? How does this desensitizing toothpaste work? Desensitizing toothpaste is safe but several people think that chemical that numbs the sensation in mouth can be potentially harmful. Most of the desensitizing toothpastes share the same ingredients such as potassium nitrate or strontium chloride that block pain signals to the nerve of the tooth by stopping the tiny tunnels in teeth, which go to the nerve. Are The Active Ingredients Safe? One of the common ways to check whether an ingredient is safe or not is to compare it with the database of Environmental Working Group that keeps and maintains the record of the safety of thousands of commonly used chemicals. Potassium Nitrate: Got the best score i.e. 1 on a scale from zero to 10 with t