Dental Caries – Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention

Dental caries, the technical term for cavities, is one of the most common dental concerns of every generation. It is essentially a scientific term for defining tooth decay, caused by specific types of bacteria that produce acid which eventually destroys the tooth’s enamel and the underlying layer, dentin. There are many different types of bacteria that build up on the teeth in a sticky film known as plaque. This plaque is a combination of saliva, bits and pieces of food particles, and other natural substances. Plaque forms on the easiest of spaces such as in cracks, pits and grooves in the back teeth, between teeth, around the dental fillings or bridge, and near the gum line. These bacteria essentially turn sugar and carbohydrates present in the food into acids which are harmful for both the enamel and the dentin. The acid works to dissolve minerals in the hard enamel, makes it erode and decay. These pits, or cavities, are too small to see with naked eye at first, but with ...